Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shit like this makes me really sad

Reading this article about how Obama and his administration are now backing out of releasing the latest batch of Abu Ghraib and other US detainee prisons torture photos, makes me really sad.  To think that our country has sunk to such disgusting and evil acts in OUR name.  Those photos really need to be released so the truth has a chance to come out and the perpetrators are brought to justice, both those who commited the torture and those who ordered them.

As a gamer developer, my first instinct would be to make a game (not even sure that's the right word to use anymore) about this, but I'm not sure the general public would be ready for something like that which is extremely sad.  

Games are not being used to their full potential as a medium for education and critical thinking and honest reflection.  In my mind, if you can write a book about it or make a movie about it, there is no reason a game could not be made about it.

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